Summer Contest: Free Coaching Calls for Screenwriters!
As part of my continued efforts to make my coaching and script consulting services accessible to all, I'll be offering a free hour-long coaching call and written screenplay analysis to two screenwriters this summer. Simply submit your film's logline using the form below by 11:59 pm Eastern time on June 30th, 2022. By July 15th, I'll choose two projects: one feature-length and one short (under 30 pages). Work with me this summer -- for free!
Q: Why should I work with you?
A: I'm very good. You might have seen my clients' films on the big screen at your local arts theater, at Sundance and other world-renowned festivals, on Hulu and Amazon, in the Criterion Collection, on Variety's list of Best Picture contenders, and on Hollywood's Black List. They've earned fellowships and grants from Cannes, Tribeca, Netflix, AFI... I can go on. Check out my About page and Success Stories for more details.
Q: What's the coaching call like?
A: We'll jump on Zoom for 60-90 minutes to talk about what's already working in your script and the easiest ways to develop it into the best version of itself. My goal is to help you write the story you want to write instead of imposing my own vision on it. Calls are usually fun and always productive. You can learn more here.
Q: What's this about a written screenplay analysis?
A: My comprehensive Story Analysis is a deep dive into your screenplay's structure, themes, conflicts, pacing, character arcs, stakes, and key relationships. I'll leave you with a list of your three Best Next Steps so you can jump into your next draft with confidence and enthusiasm. My clients often tell me that they can't wait to get back to writing after they read their story analysis. You can learn more here.
Q: I've never written anything before/I'm already a professional writer. Should I enter the contest anyway?
A: YES. Working with new writers is one of my FAVORITE THINGS. I also work with seasoned pros and celebs I'm not allowed to list here. Both groups of clients have found my consulting services invaluable.
Q: My script's not finished yet. Can I still apply?
A: Absolutely. I work with writers at all stages of the writing process: from concept to half-a-draft to final draft to "let's get that $50k production grant." A logline and a dream are all you need to apply.
Q: I'm writing a TV pilot. Can I enter the contest?
A: Yup. Anyone writing a screenplay, teleplay, or similar script can and should apply. I regularly work with screenwriters, TV writers, web series creators, and audio dramatists. Prose writers interested in my coaching and editing services should contact me here.
Q: Can I submit more than one project?
A: Go for it. Please submit them separately.
Q: I don't know if I should apply. I'm a very good writer. I'm not super creative either. [Insert more low self-esteem/impostor syndrome here.]
A: If you're in this boat, I recommend using my patented* and proven "Fuck It Method." Here's what you do: type your logline and email in the form below, say "Fuck it," and hit Submit. It's that easy!
Seriously though, some of the best scripts I've read were written by people who had never opened Final Draft before. Others came from folks who hadn't written a page in a decade. I'm not looking for polished work here, just a logline that makes me say, "Ooh." Think your idea's been done before? Maybe it has, but not by YOU. Give me a logline that tells me your version of the story in your voice. I bet it's more original than you think.
(*not actually patented)
Q: Okay, I'm applying! What's the deadline again?
A: June 30th, 2022, 11:59 pm Eastern time. Here's the application.